
Discussion Forums

Feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, suggest changes or new features, or report any technical issues. There’s no right or wrong here, so don't hesitate to reach out!

Our forums are anonymous, so you can post questions, suggestions, answers, and help other participants about the site or European lotteries (EuroDreams or EuroMillions) without revealing your identity.

Please read our "Forum moderation rules" carefully before posting anything.


Last postAdministrator13/12/2024 00:001
Last postAdministrator13/12/2024 00:001
General discussion
Last postAdministrator13/12/2024 00:001
Last postAdministrator13/12/2024 00:001
Technical support
Last postAdministrator13/12/2024 00:001
What's new
Last postAdministrator21/01/2025, 22:0049

Forum moderation rules

  • All forums have been created for a specific purpose, so stay on topic.
  • Never post personal information about yourself or another forum participant.
  • Never post anything that could be considered intolerant of a person's race, culture, appearance, gender, sexual preference, religion or age.
  • Never post anything that threatens or harms the reputation of any person or organization.
  • Do not SPAM, Do not include HTML links and Do not include any copyrighted material in your posts.
  • Never post comments that promote or oppose anyone campaigning for election to a political office or promote or oppose any voting proposal.
  • Always respect the questions, opinions and views of other participants, even if you don't agree with them.
  • Keep it simple. Keep it friendly. Be positive. Share your knowledge. Help other participants.
  • Please note this is not exhaustive list. Always assume the general netiquette rules and do not break the law.

As far as we are concerned, comments are truly anonymous, No personal data collected, No usernames, No logins, No names, No nicknames, All participants are considered as "userId=0" [Anonymous] with no additional data that allows them to be distinguished.

This forum is moderated by its Administrator with the collaboration and help of all visitors.

If you feel that a particular 'comment' is not following the "Forum moderation rules" above, please report it immediately to the Administrator. Your help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!

The Administrator will answer as many questions as possible on a regular basis, review reported 'comment's and decide whether or not they should be removed.


  • The forums are multilingual, you will see comments in any of the 4 languages supported by the user interface.
  • New comments are assumed to be written in the same language as the user interface in use.
    If you are using the "English" 🇬🇧 user interface, your "New comments" 🇬🇧 will also be considered in "English" 🇬🇧.
  • Responses to comments are assumed to be written in the same language as the original comment, regardless of the user interface language in use.
    If you are using the "English" 🇬🇧 user interface and reply to a comment written in "French" 🇫🇷, please reply in "French" 🇫🇷.
  • If you are fluent in multiple languages, you can keep the user interface in the language that works best for you and respond to all comments in their original languages.