Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars grouped by 'Columns'

These statistics provide a comprehensive overview of the frequency with which specific Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars have been randomly selected during the EuroMillions draws, grouped by 'Columns' and sorted in each group [Columns] by their total overdue in descending order.

Ball Numbers
Lucky Stars

This data is somewhat similar to the Frequency of Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars, but keep in mind that although the frequencies of occurrences are the same, the data analysis of Horizontal patterns, Vertical patterns and Gaps are distinct due to the order and position with which the Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars are grouped by 'Columns'.

Ball Numbers grouped by 'Columns'

Ball Numbers | Table

The table shows how many times each Ball Number has been drawn, ordered by their grouping by 'Columns'.

Red colours are used to highlight higher values, green colours to highlight lower values, and colour gradients from red to green to highlight values between the highest and lowest.

26 = 35
6 = 29
41 = 23
16 = 20
36 = 19
31 = 7
11 = 7
46 = 5
1 = 1
21 = 0
32 = 19
27 = 17
37 = 13
2 = 12
22 = 11
12 = 8
7 = 7
17 = 6
47 = 3
42 = 2
38 = 14
48 = 12
28 = 9
13 = 9
8 = 6
18 = 6
43 = 6
23 = 5
3 = 1
33 = 0
9 = 31
19 = 13
49 = 9
34 = 5
39 = 4
44 = 4
24 = 3
4 = 1
29 = 1
14 = 0
45 = 15
30 = 15
35 = 12
20 = 9
40 = 7
5 = 3
25 = 2
15 = 2
10 = 0
50 = 0

Ball Numbers | Bar Chart

The bar chart presents a graphical representation of above table data, allowing you to visually and easily check the corresponding values, colours, distribution and variation of the data in the table for each of the EuroMillions Ball Numbers.

Ball Numbers | History (Last results)

The history table shows the previous current state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis for the past draws of EuroMillions.

In past draws the Ball Numbers that were actually drawn are highlighted (after the draw), allowing you to visually observe their positions both horizontally (column order) and vertically (repetitions or gaps between lines).

The last row titled [Next] shows the present state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis, giving you the big picture of the past vs present and letting you decide which Ball Numbers could be drawn on the next draw.

DateStateMask HMask V 
15/10/202426011106313621414616 02124737272242170732 43281303334818380823 39240944290419341449 350550451015302520401112***** 
18/10/202426011106312141461636 12473727224217070232 43281303331838082348 39240944290419341449 35055045103025204015122**134 
22/10/202426011106312141461636 12473727224217070232 43281303331838084823 24094429193414493904 350550451025204015301112**133 
25/10/202426011106312141163646 12473722421707023227 43283318380848231303 24094429193414493904 35055045102520401530113****2 
29/10/202426011106312141163646 12473722420702322717 43283318380848231303 24094429193414493904 350550104015302045251112****1 
01/11/202426110631214116364601 12473722420732271702 43283318380848231303 24094429341449390419 350550104015202545301112***23 
05/11/202426110631214116364601 12473722423227170207 43281808482313033338 24092934144939041944 3505104015202545305011111***44 
08/11/202426110631214116364601 12472242322717020737 43281848231303333808 24092934144939044419 35051040152025453050122****1 
12/11/202426110631214116364601 12472232271707370242 43281823130338084833 24092934144939044419 05104015202545305035122**244 
15/11/202426063121411636460111 47322717073702421222 43281823130338084833 24092934144939044419 05401520254530355010113***23 
19/11/202426063121411636460111 47322717370242122207 43281823130338483308 24092914490419394434 05401520254530355010122***** 
22/11/202426063121411636460111 47322717370242122207 43182303384833082813 24092914193944344904 054015254530355010201112***34 
26/11/202426062141163646011131 47322717370242220712 43182303384833082813 24091419394434490429 05401525453035502010122**124 
29/11/202426062141163646013111 47322717370242221207 43182303384833082813 24091419394434490429 05154530355020104025113***34 
03/12/202426062141163646013111 47322737024222120717 23033848332813081843 24091419394434490429 0515453035502010402511111****1 
06/12/202426062141163601311146 32273702422212071747 03384833281308184323 24091419394449042934 05154530355020104025113***14 
10/12/202426062141163601311146 32273702422212071747 03384833281308184323 24091949042934391444 05154530355020104025122**111 
13/12/202426062141163601311146 32273702422212071747 03384833281308184323 09194904343914442924 15453035502010402505113***13 
17/12/202426062141163631114601 32273702221207174742 03384833281308184323 09194904343914442924 45303520104005251550122****4 
20/12/202426064116363111460121 32273702221207174742 38483328130818432303 09194934391444240429 453035201040052515501112*1233 
Next26064116363111460121 32273702221207174742 38482813081843230333 09194934394424042914 45303520400525151050??

Ball Numbers | Masks

The mask tables below show the most common Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns of this page's statistical analysis.

More details on how both Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns are obtained can be found on our Help Index page.

Mask HTotalPercentage %
Mask VTotalPercentage %

Lucky Stars grouped by 'Columns'

Lucky Stars | Table

The table shows how many times each Lucky Star has been drawn, ordered by their grouping by 'Columns'.

Red colours are used to highlight higher values, green colours to highlight lower values, and colour gradients from red to green to highlight values between the highest and lowest.

1 = 11
4 = 2
7 = 1
5 = 3
10 = 2
2 = 1
3 = 12
11 = 8
8 = 5
12 = 7
6 = 0
9 = 0

Lucky Stars | Bar Chart

The bar chart presents a graphical representation of above table data, allowing you to visually and easily check the corresponding values, colours, distribution and variation of the data in the table for each of the EuroMillions Lucky Stars.

Lucky Stars | History (Last results)

The history table shows the previous current state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis for the past draws of EuroMillions.

In past draws the Luck Start that were actually drawn are highlighted (after the draw), allowing you to visually observe their positions both horizontally (column order) and vertically (repetitions or gaps between lines).

The last row titled [Next] shows the present state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis, giving you the big picture of the past vs present and letting you decide which Lucky Stars could be drawn on the next draw.

DateStateMask HMask V 
15/10/2024070104 021005 031108 1209061124 
18/10/2024070104 021005 110803 1206091144 
22/10/2024070401 021005 110803 06091211** 
25/10/2024070401 100502 110803 06091211*3 
29/10/2024070401 100502 110308 0612091112 
01/11/2024070401 050210 110308 06091211** 
05/11/2024040107 051002 110308 0609122*2 
08/11/2024040107 051002 110308 12090611*4 
12/11/2024040701 051002 110803 12090611*3 
15/11/2024040701 050210 110803 12090611*1 
19/11/2024040701 051002 110803 1209061134 
22/11/2024040107 051002 110803 0906122*4 
26/11/2024040107 051002 031108 090612223 
29/11/2024040107 051002 031108 06120911*1 
03/12/2024040107 100205 031108 06120911*2 
06/12/2024040107 100205 031108 1209061122 
10/12/2024040107 020510 031108 12090611** 
13/12/2024040107 021005 031108 12060911*1 
17/12/2024010704 020510 031108 12060911*3 
20/12/2024010407 051002 031108 120609234 
Next010407 051002 031108 120609??

Lucky Stars | Masks

The mask tables below show the most common Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns of this page's statistical analysis.

More details on how both Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns are obtained can be found on our Help Index page.

Mask HTotalPercentage %
Mask VTotalPercentage %