Most Overdue Ball Numbers and Dream Numbers

These statistics meticulously document the Ball Numbers and Dream Numbers that have not been randomly selected in EuroDreams draws for an extended duration, a phenomenon often referred to as being 'overdue'.

The term 'overdue' in this context refers to the period of time that has elapsed since a particular Ball Number or Dream Number was last drawn. For example, if a Ball Number has not been drawn for 10 consecutive draws, it is considered to be 'overdue' (10). Similarly, a Dream Number that has not been drawn for 5 consecutive draws is also considered to be 'overdue' (5).

You may use this information to decide your betting strategie or simply to observe the game's patterns over time. Some players believe that 'overdue' numbers are more likely to be drawn next, while others argue that the game's draws are entirely random and that the past performance of numbers does not influence future outcomes.

Most Overdue Ball Numbers

Ball Numbers | Table

The table shows how many times each Ball Number has not been drawn since its last draw, sorted by their total overdue in descending order.

Red colours are used to highlight higher overdue values, green colours to highlight lower overdue values, and colour gradients from red to green to highlight overdue values between the highest and lowest.

23 = 31
2 = 29
11 = 16
39 = 15
32 = 15
40 = 12
12 = 10
10 = 10
36 = 8
31 = 8
14 = 8
38 = 8
3 = 7
27 = 6
6 = 5
9 = 5
1 = 5
16 = 4
30 = 4
4 = 3
17 = 3
15 = 3
25 = 3
29 = 2
5 = 2
35 = 2
24 = 2
26 = 2
7 = 2
19 = 1
34 = 1
20 = 1
37 = 1
18 = 1
13 = 0
21 = 0
33 = 0
22 = 0
28 = 0
8 = 0

Ball Numbers | Bar Chart

The bar chart presents a graphical representation of above table data, allowing you to visually and easily check the corresponding values, colours, distribution and variation of the data in the table for each of the EuroDreams Ball Numbers.

Ball Numbers | History (Last results)

The history table shows the previous current state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis for the past draws of EuroDreams.

In past draws the Ball Numbers that were actually drawn are highlighted (after the draw), allowing you to visually observe their positions both horizontally (column order) and vertically (repetitions or gaps between lines).

The last row titled [Next] shows the present state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis, giving you the big picture of the past vs present and letting you decide which Ball Numbers could be drawn on the next draw.

DateStateMask HMask V 
12/09/202435392907153723022125 13103438170126281116 12300504143336201924 31403208062718032209123****34 
16/09/202435290715372302212513 10170126281112300504 14333620192440320806 180322092731391638341122***114 
19/09/202435290715372302251310 17012611300504143336 20192440080603220927 39163834281832213112222**1133 
23/09/202429071537230213101726 11050414333620192440 08062209391638342818 322131120325302735011122****22 
26/09/202429071537230210172605 04143336201924400806 22391638281821120325 30273501091311323431123*****2 
30/09/202429071537230210172605 04143336202440080622 16382818120325302735 011311340931393221191122****13 
03/10/202429073723021017260433 36204008062216381812 03253027350113113409 31393219142805211524123***224 
07/10/202429073723021017260433 36200822161812253027 35011311340931393219 28052115063824144003114***234 
10/10/202429073723021017263336 20082216181225302735 01131109313932190521 15063803243440041428123***123 
14/10/202429073723021017263336 20221618122535011311 31393219052106380324 40041428083427091530123***334 
17/10/202429072302263336202216 18253501131139321905 21063824400414280834 27091530371703311210123***134 
21/10/202429072302362016182535 01131139321905213824 40041428083427093017 033112103733062226151122****13 
24/10/202429230220161825350113 11393219052124400428 08342730170312103733 06222615073631091438123**2224 
28/10/202429230216182535011311 39321905212440042808 27301712103733221536 310914382034260703061113***344 
31/10/202429230216182535011139 32190521244004283017 12103722363109143820 342603060727153308131122****13 
04/11/202423021618253511393219 05212440042817121037 22363114382034260307 271533130629090130081122*11233 
07/11/202423022535113932190521 24400428171210223631 14382026030727151306 290901083733183416301122****13 
11/11/202423023511393219052440 28121022363114382026 03072713062909010837 33181630340417152125123**1234 
14/11/202423021139321940281210 22363114382003271306 09010837331816303404 17152125290535242607123*****1 
18/11/202423021139324028121036 31143803271306090108 33163004171521252905 352426071934202237181122**1234 
Next23021139324012103631 14380327060901163004 17152529053524260719 34203718132133222808??

Ball Numbers | Masks

The mask tables below show the most common Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns of this page's statistical analysis.

More details on how both Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns are obtained can be found on our Help Index page.

Mask HTotalPercentage %
Mask VTotalPercentage %

Most Overdue Dream Numbers

Dream Numbers | Table

The table shows how many times each Dream Number has not been drawn since its last draw, sorted by their total overdue in descending order.

Red colours are used to highlight higher overdue values, green colours to highlight lower overdue values, and colour gradients from red to green to highlight overdue values between the highest and lowest.

3 = 10
5 = 6
1 = 2
2 = 1
4 = 0

Dream Numbers | Bar Chart

The bar chart presents a graphical representation of above table data, allowing you to visually and easily check the corresponding values, colours, distribution and variation of the data in the table for each of the EuroDreams Dream Numbers.

Dream Numbers | History (Last results)

The history table shows the previous current state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis for the past draws of EuroDreams.

In past draws the Dream Number that was actually drawn is highlighted (after the draw), allowing you to visually observe its position both horizontally (column order) and vertically (repetitions or gaps between lines).

The last row titled [Next] shows the present state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis, giving you the big picture of the past vs present and letting you decide which Dream Number could be drawn on the next draw.

DateStateMask HMask V 
12/09/202401 05 04 02 031* 
16/09/202405 04 02 03 011* 
19/09/202405 04 02 03 0113 
23/09/202405 04 02 01 0313 
26/09/202404 02 01 03 051* 
30/09/202404 01 03 05 021* 
03/10/202404 01 05 02 0311 
07/10/202404 01 02 03 0514 
10/10/202401 02 03 05 0412 
14/10/202401 02 05 04 031* 
17/10/202401 02 05 04 0313 
21/10/202402 05 04 03 0113 
24/10/202402 05 03 01 041* 
28/10/202402 03 01 04 0514 
31/10/202402 03 01 04 051* 
04/11/202402 03 01 05 0414 
07/11/202402 03 05 04 0113 
11/11/202402 03 05 04 0111 
14/11/202402 03 05 04 011* 
18/11/202403 05 04 01 0214 
Next03 05 01 02 04??

Dream Numbers | Masks

The mask tables below show the most common Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns of this page's statistical analysis.

More details on how both Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns are obtained can be found on our Help Index page.

Mask HTotalPercentage %
Mask VTotalPercentage %