EuroDreams Converter Generator

This online text converter is a handy tool that can help you create your own unique set of numbers to play in EuroDreams.

You simply input any text into this converter, and it will process that text to generate a unique set of numbers for you. The text can be anything you like: it could be your own name; another person's name; a sentence you've read on a book; some event, animal or thing you've dreamt about; a special date or anniversary; something you've read in the news; something out of ordinary that happened today.

The converter doesn't care what the text is it just uses it as a starting point to create your set of numbers.

All text is treated as if it were in uppercase letters and the same text will always produce the same set of numbers, for example 'abc', 'aBc' or 'ABC' will produce exactly the same set of numbers.

In order to obtain a conversion with the closest meaning to the entered text, several algorithms are used, for example, numerology algorithms (Pythagorean, Chaldean) are used to convert text into numbers and hash algorithms (sha1, md5) are used to obtain a 'unique' 1:1 relationship between the text and the final set of generated numbers.

So, if you're feeling superstitious and want to use something personal to help you pick your numbers, or if you just want to have a bit of fun, this converter is a great way to do it. Just type in any text that currently has some meaning to you, and let the converter do the rest!


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