Hottest Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars

These statistics meticulously document the Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars that have exhibited a higher frequency of selection in the most recent EuroMillions draws, a phenomenon often referred to as being 'active' or 'hot'. Each time a number is drawn, it becomes 'hotter' up to a maximum of 100, otherwise it becomes 'colder' up to a minimum of 0.

The term 'hot' in this context refers to the Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars that have been drawn more frequently in the recent draws compared to others in the same period of time. For instance, if a Ball Number has been drawn in the last five draws, it is considered 'hot.' Similarly, a Lucky Star that has been drawn in the last three draws is also considered 'hot'.

You may use this information to decide your betting strategie or simply to observe the game's patterns over time. Some players believe that 'hot' numbers are more likely to be drawn next, some believe that 'cold' numbers are more likely to be drawn next to balance the odds, while others argue that the game's draws are entirely random and that the past performance of numbers does not influence future outcomes.

Hottest Ball Numbers

Ball Numbers | Table

The table shows the ranking from Hottest (100) to Coldest (0) assigned to each Ball Number based on its recent activity, sorted from the hottest to the coldest one.

Red colours are used to highlight hottest values, green colours to highlight coldest values, and colour gradients from red to green to highlight hot/cold values between the highest and lowest.

20 = 96
44 = 94
41 = 92
29 = 90
11 = 88
10 = 84
4 = 82
8 = 80
25 = 78
23 = 76
24 = 76
42 = 76
37 = 74
45 = 72
33 = 72
47 = 68
39 = 66
15 = 66
3 = 60
35 = 58
17 = 56
14 = 56
46 = 54
49 = 54
2 = 52
48 = 52
18 = 52
34 = 52
27 = 50
7 = 48
16 = 42
19 = 40
36 = 38
50 = 34
1 = 32
43 = 28
30 = 28
22 = 26
13 = 26
12 = 24
21 = 20
26 = 16
40 = 16
5 = 16
38 = 14
31 = 14
9 = 4
6 = 4
28 = 0
32 = 0

Ball Numbers | Bar Chart

The bar chart presents a graphical representation of above table data, allowing you to visually and easily check the corresponding values, colours, distribution and variation of the data in the table for each of the EuroMillions Ball Numbers.

Ball Numbers | History (Last results)

The history table shows the previous current state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis for the past draws of EuroMillions.

In past draws the Ball Numbers that were actually drawn are highlighted (after the draw), allowing you to visually observe their positions both horizontally (column order) and vertically (repetitions or gaps between lines).

The last row titled [Next] shows the present state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis, giving you the big picture of the past vs present and letting you decide which Ball Numbers could be drawn on the next draw.

DateStateMask HMask V 
20/12/202429254434471107153908 20041710461848024513 16334223503701323549 27303112210319360524 144143402809223806261112***** 
24/12/202429251044344711071539 08200433175046184802 45131642233701213235 14492730311203193605 24414340280922380626122***11 
27/12/202410292544344711071539 08201604332317504618 48024513423701213235 24144927303106120319 360541434028223809261112***13 
31/12/202410332925444534471107 15390820160423175046 18480213423701271221 32352414493022310603 19360541434028380926113**124 
03/01/202533102925444534471107 15390820160423175046 18480213244237012712 19213235144926283022 310603360541434038091112***23 
07/01/202529331025444534471107 15390820160423173750 46184802131935244201 27120321321449262830 223106360541434038091112***12 
10/01/202533294720102544453411 07153908160435231737 50461848021319244201 27120321321449412628 302231063605434038091112****2 
14/01/202533294720102537444534 11071539081604354223 17504618480227131219 24010321323614494126 28302231060543403809122****2 
17/01/202529203347102537444818 45341107153908160435 42231750460227131219 24410103213236144926 28302231060543403809113***22 
21/01/202529203347150810352542 37444818453411073916 04242317504602271312 19410103213236144926 283022310605434038091112***33 
24/01/202508292033471510352542 37444818453427110739 16042423175046410213 12191401060321323649 262830223105434038091112***14 
28/01/202508292033114715103525 42374402481845342707 39160419242317504641 13121449013006032132 362628223105434038091112***** 
31/01/202508422920373311471510 35254441024818453427 07391604192423174950 46131214013009060321 323626282231054340381112***23 
04/02/202508422920443741331147 15103525490248184534 27073916041924231750 46301312140122090603 213236262805434031381112****3 
07/02/202529084220443741331147 39151004352549024818 45342707161924231750 46301312031401432209 06213236262805403138113****2 
11/02/202529100842204437454133 11473915043525242349 02481834270716191750 46301312031401432209 06213236262805403138122***** 
14/02/202541291008422044374533 11473915043525242346 49024818342707160319 17503013122136140143 22090632262805403138122***** 
18/02/202541291004084220443745 33114739153525242346 49024818342707160319 36141750301312213831 01432209063226280540113**114 
21/02/202541291004082542204437 45331147391535142423 46490248183427071603 19361750301312212640 053831014322090632281112***34 
25/02/202520412911100408254244 37453347391503351424 23464902481834270716 19361750014330131221 2640053831220906322811111***** 
Next20444129111004082523 24423745334739150335 17144649024818342707 16193650014330221312 21264005383109062832??

Ball Numbers | Masks

The mask tables below show the most common Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns of this page's statistical analysis.

More details on how both Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns are obtained can be found on our Help Index page.

Mask HTotalPercentage %
Mask VTotalPercentage %

Hottest Lucky Stars

Lucky Stars | Table

The table shows the ranking from Hottest (100) to Coldest (0) assigned to each Lucky Star based on its recent activity, sorted from the hottest to the coldest one.

Red colours are used to highlight hottest values, green colours to highlight coldest values, and colour gradients from red to green to highlight hot/cold values between the highest and lowest.

6 = 100
2 = 98
5 = 96
7 = 96
10 = 94
1 = 92
8 = 90
9 = 84
4 = 80
3 = 78
12 = 72
11 = 38

Lucky Stars | Bar Chart

The bar chart presents a graphical representation of above table data, allowing you to visually and easily check the corresponding values, colours, distribution and variation of the data in the table for each of the EuroMillions Lucky Stars.

Lucky Stars | History (Last results)

The history table shows the previous current state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis for the past draws of EuroMillions.

In past draws the Luck Start that were actually drawn are highlighted (after the draw), allowing you to visually observe their positions both horizontally (column order) and vertically (repetitions or gaps between lines).

The last row titled [Next] shows the present state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis, giving you the big picture of the past vs present and letting you decide which Lucky Stars could be drawn on the next draw.

DateStateMask HMask V 
20/12/2024021009 050706 081204 01031111*3 
24/12/2024060902 100507 081204 01031111*2 
27/12/2024120609 021005 070804 0103112*1 
31/12/2024081204 060902 100507 0103112** 
03/01/2025120804 060902 100507 01031111** 
07/01/2025091208 040601 021005 07031111*2 
10/01/2025041209 080601 021005 0703111122 
14/01/2025070604 120908 010210 0503111111 
17/01/2025050907 060412 080102 10031111*3 
21/01/2025080605 090704 120102 10031111** 
24/01/2025050408 060907 120102 10031111*1 
28/01/2025080504 060907 120102 03101111*4 
31/01/2025090801 050406 071202 0310112*4 
04/02/2025070908 020105 040612 0310111134 
07/02/2025050709 080201 041006 12031111*3 
11/02/2025081005 070902 010406 120311233 
14/02/2025060108 100507 090204 1203111123 
18/02/2025100601 080507 090204 0312112*4 
21/02/2025050710 060108 090204 03121111*4 
25/02/2025020507 100601 080904 0312111112 
Next060205 071001 080904 031211??

Lucky Stars | Masks

The mask tables below show the most common Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns of this page's statistical analysis.

More details on how both Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns are obtained can be found on our Help Index page.

Mask HTotalPercentage %
Mask VTotalPercentage %