Most Common Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars

These statistics provide a comprehensive overview of the frequency with which specific Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars have been randomly selected during the EuroMillions draws, sorted by their total frequency in descending order.

This data is somewhat similar to the Frequency of Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars, but keep in mind that although the frequencies of occurrences are the same, the data analysis of Horizontal patterns, Vertical patterns and Gaps are distinct due to the order and position with which the Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars are analyzed.

These are the Ball Numbers and Lucky Stars that come out the most, most frequently, and most common in EuroMillions draws.

Most Common Ball Numbers

Ball Numbers | Table

The table shows how many times each Ball Number has been drawn, sorted by their total frequency in descending order.

Red colours are used to highlight higher values, green colours to highlight lower values, and colour gradients from red to green to highlight values between the highest and lowest.

23 = 208
44 = 204
19 = 204
21 = 202
42 = 201
50 = 200
29 = 198
10 = 196
17 = 196
37 = 194
20 = 194
26 = 192
25 = 192
27 = 191
15 = 190
38 = 189
35 = 189
45 = 187
7 = 187
14 = 186
4 = 185
12 = 185
11 = 184
34 = 184
5 = 183
30 = 182
16 = 182
24 = 181
49 = 181
13 = 181
3 = 179
39 = 178
48 = 176
6 = 175
28 = 175
1 = 174
31 = 172
2 = 172
36 = 171
32 = 170
9 = 169
8 = 168
43 = 166
40 = 165
47 = 164
41 = 161
18 = 161
33 = 159
46 = 157
22 = 145

Ball Numbers | Bar Chart

The bar chart presents a graphical representation of above table data, allowing you to visually and easily check the corresponding values, colours, distribution and variation of the data in the table for each of the EuroMillions Ball Numbers.

Ball Numbers | History (Last results)

The history table shows the previous current state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis for the past draws of EuroMillions.

In past draws the Ball Numbers that were actually drawn are highlighted (after the draw), allowing you to visually observe their positions both horizontally (column order) and vertically (repetitions or gaps between lines).

The last row titled [Next] shows the present state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis, giving you the big picture of the past vs present and letting you decide which Ball Numbers could be drawn on the next draw.

DateStateMask HMask V 
13/12/202423441921504217291020 37252638271507354534 11120514041316304924 39480328060131023236 09084340471846334122122****3 
17/12/202423441950214217291020 25372615382707354534 11120514041316304924 39480328010631023236 09084340471846334122122****1 
20/12/202423441921504217291020 25372615382707354534 04111205141316304924 39034801280631023236 09084340471846334122113**113 
24/12/202423442119504217102920 25372615382707354534 14041112051316304924 39034801280631023236 09084340471833464122122**234 
27/12/202423442119504217102920 25372615382707354534 14041112160513302449 39034806012831023236 09084340471833464122122****4 
31/12/202423442119504217102920 25372627153807453512 34140411160513302449 39034806012831023236 0908434047183346412211111**123 
03/01/202523441921504217102920 26253727153807453512 34140411160513302449 39032848060131023236 09084340471833464122122**124 
07/01/202523194421504217291037 20262527153835074512 34140411160513302449 03392848060131023236 0908434047183346412223****2 
10/01/202523194421504217291020 37262527153538074512 34140411160513302449 03392848060131023236 09084347401833414622113****1 
14/01/202523194421504217291037 20262527153538074512 34140411160513302449 03392848060131023236 090843474018334146221112****1 
17/01/202523194421504229171020 37262527153538074512 34140411160513302449 03394828060131023236 090843474018334146221112****2 
21/01/202523194421425029171020 37262515273538074512 34140411160513243049 03394828060131023236 090843474018334146221112**112 
24/01/202523194421425029171020 37272625153538074512 14340411160513243049 03394806280131023236 08094347401833414622113****2 
28/01/202523194421425029171020 37272625153538074512 11143404160530132449 03394806280102313236 080943474018334146221112*1224 
31/01/202523194442215029171037 20272625153538074512 11143404160530134924 03394806280102313209 36084347401841334622122****2 
04/02/202523441942215029171037 20272625153538074512 11143404301605491324 03394806280102313209 360843474018413346221112****3 
07/02/202523441942215029171037 20272625153538074512 04111434301605491324 03394806280102313209 36084347401841334622113***13 
11/02/202523441942215029101737 20272625153538450712 04111434301605244913 03394806280102313209 36084347401841334622113**234 
14/02/202523441921425029101737 20272625153538450712 04111434301605244913 03394806280102313632 09084347404118334622122***** 
18/02/202523441921425029101737 20272625153835450714 04121134301605244913 03394806280131023632 09084347404118334622113***** 
Next23441921425029101737 20262527153835450714 04121134053016244913 03394806280131023632 09084340474118334622??

Ball Numbers | Masks

The mask tables below show the most common Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns of this page's statistical analysis.

More details on how both Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns are obtained can be found on our Help Index page.

Mask HTotalPercentage %
Mask VTotalPercentage %

Most Common Lucky Stars

Lucky Stars | Table

The table shows how many times each Lucky Star has been drawn, sorted by their total frequency in descending order.

Red colours are used to highlight higher values, green colours to highlight lower values, and colour gradients from red to green to highlight values between the highest and lowest.

3 = 366
2 = 359
8 = 351
9 = 334
7 = 326
6 = 326
5 = 318
1 = 315
4 = 294
10 = 254
11 = 243
12 = 148

Lucky Stars | Bar Chart

The bar chart presents a graphical representation of above table data, allowing you to visually and easily check the corresponding values, colours, distribution and variation of the data in the table for each of the EuroMillions Lucky Stars.

Lucky Stars | History (Last results)

The history table shows the previous current state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis for the past draws of EuroMillions.

In past draws the Luck Start that were actually drawn are highlighted (after the draw), allowing you to visually observe their positions both horizontally (column order) and vertically (repetitions or gaps between lines).

The last row titled [Next] shows the present state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis, giving you the big picture of the past vs present and letting you decide which Lucky Stars could be drawn on the next draw.

DateStateMask HMask V 
13/12/2024030208 090607 050104 10111211*2 
17/12/2024030208 090607 050104 10111211*3 
20/12/2024030208 090706 050104 101112213 
24/12/2024030208 090607 050104 1011122** 
27/12/2024030208 090607 050104 10111211*4 
31/12/2024030208 090607 050104 1011121112 
03/01/2025030208 090607 050104 10111211*4 
07/01/2025030208 090607 050104 1011121123 
10/01/2025030208 090607 050104 1011122** 
14/01/2025030208 090706 050104 10111211*3 
17/01/2025030208 090706 050104 10111211*2 
21/01/2025030208 090607 050104 101112224 
24/01/2025030208 090607 050104 1011122*2 
28/01/2025030208 090607 050104 10111211*4 
31/01/2025030208 090607 050104 10111211*4 
04/02/2025030208 090706 050104 10111211*4 
07/02/2025030208 090706 050104 1011121114 
11/02/2025030208 090706 050104 1011121134 
14/02/2025030208 090607 050104 10111211*2 
18/02/2025030208 090607 050104 1011121124 
Next030208 090706 050104 101112??

Lucky Stars | Masks

The mask tables below show the most common Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns of this page's statistical analysis.

More details on how both Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns are obtained can be found on our Help Index page.

Mask HTotalPercentage %
Mask VTotalPercentage %