Reduced Systems for the EuroDreams lottery

Reduced Systems, which have been used for many years, are a technique and/or strategy to optimize bets on random combination games such as EuroDreams, allowing players to choose more numbers to play at the lowest possible cost by generating the best and smallest subsets (reduced) of numbers that will guarantee you a prize generally lower than the 1st prize (jackpot).

Please note that, if you wanted to guarantee the top 1st prize (jackpot) with the same quantity of numbers, you'd need to play a Integral System. This means playing every possible combination of those numbers, which would be extremely expensive as it would require playing a large number of subsets.

Reduced Systems offer a more affordable and practical way to increase your chances of winning something and other benefits such as:

  • Cost-Effective: They allow you to play more numbers without the high cost of covering every possible combination.
  • Increased chances: By generating optimal subsets, you increase your chances of winning a prize, even if it's not the 1st prize (jackpot).
  • Practicality: Playing a Integral System would be impractical due to the sheer number of combinations and the cost involved. The Reduced Systems make it manageable.
  • Flexibility: You can choose how many numbers you want to play, giving you more control over your game strategy.
  • Accessibility: They make it easier for more people to participate in the game without needing a large budget.

Overall, Reduced Systems provide a balanced approach to playing, offering a good mix of affordability and increased winning potential.

When you play a Reduced System, your chances of winning depend on how many of your chosen numbers match the drawn numbers.

Here's an overview of what you can expect:

  • If all your numbers match, you'll definitely win the prize that the Reduced System guarantees.
  • If all your numbers match, there may also be chances to win a bigger prize, better than the guaranteed one.
  • If not all your numbers match, there may still be chances of winning one or more smaller prizes than the guaranteed one.

So, while you might not always hit the 1st prize (jackpot), a Reduced System gives you multiple ways to win something!

Practical example for the EuroDreams

Let's say in EuroDreams you want to play 10 numbers and guarantee a prize of 5 correct numbers (not 6 correct/jackpot).

  • Just for comparison, in order to guarantee you 6 correct numbers (jackpot), you would need to play a Integral System of all possible 6-number combinations out of the 10 chosen numbers, which would consist of a total of 210 combinations subsets ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7], ..., [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]).
  • Using a Reduced System to play 10 numbers and guarantee a win of 5 correct numbers, you can optimize your strategy and minimize costs, by only playing 15 combinations subsets ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10], ..., [2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10]).
    As mentioned above depending on how many of your chosen numbers match the drawn numbers, you can expect the following prizes distributions:
    Matching drawn numbers Correct numbers odds (%)
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    1 100.0 - - - - -
    2 - 100.0 - - - -
    3 - - 100.0 - - -
    4 - - 19.52 80.48 - -
    5 - - - 65.48 34.52 -
    6 - - - - 92.86 7.14
    • If all your numbers match 6, you get the guaranteed a prize of 5 correct numbers, plus a chance of winning an even better prize such as a 6 correct numbers.
    • If not all your numbers match, you might still win smaller prizes depending on how many of your chosen numbers match the drawn numbers.
    • The above odds may vary depending on the quantity of numbers chosen, the guarantee desired and the Reduced System used.

Our Reduced Systems for EuroDreams

Below we present a summary table with all our Reduced Systems for EuroDreams.

The leftmost column represents the quantity of numbers you want to play, while the columns on the right correspond to the guarantees of correct numbers. The table also shows for each combination of 'Quantity of numbers to play' x 'Guaranteed correct numbers' the corresponding Reduced System in the form Quantity Guarantee Subsets.

The symbol is shown on Reduced Systems not (yet) available due to one of two reasons, either because it would consist of a considerable amount of subsets (also costs) to play or because it would require a considerable amount of time to run all our algorithms according to these conditions.

Numbers to playGuaranteed correct numbers

Our Algorithms

All of the Reduced Systems for EuroDreams featured on this site have been created with our own generator.

The generation of Reduced Systems uses combinatorial calculation tools that in some cases, depending on the number of numbers played and the desired guarantee, require several hours or even days to find a solution.

We use various algorithms, approaches and variants to get the best reduced solution, whenever possible the optimal solution or as close as possible to the optimal solution. Currently, in the search for the best solution, we validated and executed 7 different approaches and in the end we selected the one that obtained the smallest number of subsets. To give you an idea of the time needed to find the best solution, if for example 1 (one) of the approaches takes something like 4 hours to complete, all 7 (seven) will take something like 7 x 4 hours = 28 hours to complete and decide which of the 7 had the best (smallest) result.

If by any chance you find a smaller (reduced) solution, please let us know (Contact). We will not copy it, but rather: Confirm that the system and the guarantees are valid; Study why none of our algorithms and variants found this solution; Find a way to improve our algorithms or add new variants; Finally, if we are successful, we will rebuild all our systems taking into account this new active algorithm and publish new versions of the systems that have obtained better reduced solutions.

We never copy, use, or publish Reduced Systems from sources other than our own. Please do not copy our systems, generated by us, result of our efforts to obtain the best possible solution.