Ball Numbers and Dream Numbers grouped by 'Spirals'

These statistics provide a comprehensive overview of the frequency with which specific Ball Numbers and Dream Numbers have been randomly selected during the EuroDreams draws, grouped by 'Spirals' and sorted in each group [Spirals] by their total overdue in descending order.

Ball Numbers
Dream Numbers

This data is somewhat similar to the Frequency of Ball Numbers and Dream Numbers, but keep in mind that although the frequencies of occurrences are the same, the data analysis of Horizontal patterns, Vertical patterns and Gaps are distinct due to the order and position with which the Ball Numbers and Dream Numbers are grouped by 'Spirals'.

Ball Numbers grouped by 'Spirals'

Ball Numbers | Table

The table shows how many times each Ball Number has been drawn, ordered by their grouping by 'Spirals'.

Red colours are used to highlight higher values, green colours to highlight lower values, and colour gradients from red to green to highlight values between the highest and lowest.

3 = 20
25 = 10
1 = 9
20 = 6
2 = 6
5 = 4
10 = 3
4 = 2
15 = 1
30 = 0
31 = 17
21 = 7
40 = 7
38 = 5
26 = 5
39 = 4
36 = 2
37 = 1
35 = 0
16 = 0
6 = 20
14 = 12
29 = 5
7 = 4
11 = 3
8 = 2
9 = 2
24 = 2
19 = 1
34 = 0
13 = 19
12 = 10
17 = 7
23 = 6
22 = 3
33 = 3
18 = 2
28 = 1
32 = 0
27 = 0

Ball Numbers | Bar Chart

The bar chart presents a graphical representation of above table data, allowing you to visually and easily check the corresponding values, colours, distribution and variation of the data in the table for each of the EuroDreams Ball Numbers.

Ball Numbers | History (Last results)

The history table shows the previous current state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis for the past draws of EuroDreams.

In past draws the Ball Numbers that were actually drawn are highlighted (after the draw), allowing you to visually observe their positions both horizontally (column order) and vertically (repetitions or gaps between lines).

The last row titled [Next] shows the present state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis, giving you the big picture of the past vs present and letting you decide which Ball Numbers could be drawn on the next draw.

DateStateMask HMask V 
23/12/202402200125040530151003 40313839373635262116 09290811191424340706 181333222812172723321122**1344 
26/12/202420012504051510033002 40313839363526213716 29081119142434070609 18332228121727233213123****33 
30/12/202420012504051510033002 40313936352637163821 29081914240609110734 18332228121727233213123****23 
02/01/202520012504051003300215 39363526371638213140 29191406091107340824 18332228121727233213222***113 
06/01/202520012505033002150410 36352637382131401639 29191406091107340824 222812172723321318331113*****3 
09/01/202520012505033002151004 36352638213140163937 29191406091107082434 222812273213331817231122*12223 
13/01/202520012503300215100405 36352621311639374038 29140609110708243419 122732133318172328221122****12 
16/01/202520012503300215040510 36352621311639373840 29140609110708243419 273213331723282212181122**1234 
20/01/202520012503301504100502 36352621311639374038 29060907082434191411 273213331723281218221122*****4 
23/01/202520012503301510050402 35262131393740383616 29060908243419141107 273213331723281222181122**1223 
27/01/202501033015100504022520 35262131394038361637 29060908341914112407 27321333172328221812123*11234 
30/01/202503151004022520053001 35213139403836163726 29060908341914112407 273213331728221218231113**1233 
03/02/202503151004022505300120 21313936163726403835 29060834191411240709 27321333172212182328123****13 
06/02/202503151004022505300120 31393616372635213840 29060834191424070911 27321333221218232817123****24 
10/02/202503151004253001200502 31393616372635213840 29060819142407091134 3213332212182817272333****23 
13/02/202503151004253001200502 31391637352140382636 06081914240734291109 32133322121828172723114****14 
17/02/202503151004253001200205 31214038263635393716 06081914243429110907 321333221218281727231122***222 
20/02/202503150425300120020510 31214038263539163637 06081914243429090711 321312182817272322331113**1111 
24/02/202503152530012002051004 31214038263539163736 06191434290711080924 321312281727232233181122***111 
27/02/202503253001200205100415 31214038263539363716 06143429071108092419 131217272322331832281122***123 
Next03250120020510041530 31214038263936373516 06142907110809241934 13121723223318283227??

Ball Numbers | Masks

The mask tables below show the most common Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns of this page's statistical analysis.

More details on how both Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns are obtained can be found on our Help Index page.

Mask HTotalPercentage %
Mask VTotalPercentage %

Dream Numbers grouped by 'Spirals'

Dream Numbers | Table

The table shows how many times each Dream Number has been drawn, ordered by their grouping by 'Spirals'.

Red colours are used to highlight higher values, green colours to highlight lower values, and colour gradients from red to green to highlight values between the highest and lowest.

1 = 0
2 = 7
3 = 2
4 = 6
5 = 3

Dream Numbers | Bar Chart

The bar chart presents a graphical representation of above table data, allowing you to visually and easily check the corresponding values, colours, distribution and variation of the data in the table for each of the EuroDreams Dream Numbers.

Dream Numbers | History (Last results)

The history table shows the previous current state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis for the past draws of EuroDreams.

In past draws the Dream Number that was actually drawn is highlighted (after the draw), allowing you to visually observe its position both horizontally (column order) and vertically (repetitions or gaps between lines).

The last row titled [Next] shows the present state (before draw) of this page's statistical analysis, giving you the big picture of the past vs present and letting you decide which Dream Number could be drawn on the next draw.

DateStateMask HMask V 
23/12/202401 02 03 04 051* 
26/12/202401 02 03 04 051* 
30/12/202401 02 03 04 0513 
02/01/202501 02 03 04 051* 
06/01/202501 02 03 04 0514 
09/01/202501 02 03 04 0513 
13/01/202501 02 03 04 0513 
16/01/202501 02 03 04 051* 
20/01/202501 02 03 04 0513 
23/01/202501 02 03 04 0513 
27/01/202501 02 03 04 0513 
30/01/202501 02 03 04 051* 
03/02/202501 02 03 04 0513 
06/02/202501 02 03 04 0513 
10/02/202501 02 03 04 051* 
13/02/202501 02 03 04 0511 
17/02/202501 02 03 04 0511 
20/02/202501 02 03 04 051* 
24/02/202501 02 03 04 051* 
27/02/202501 02 03 04 0511 
Next01 02 03 04 05??

Dream Numbers | Masks

The mask tables below show the most common Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns of this page's statistical analysis.

More details on how both Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) Patterns are obtained can be found on our Help Index page.

Mask HTotalPercentage %
Mask VTotalPercentage %