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Terms used throughout the website.

Horizontal Patterns (H)

The Horizontal Patterns (H) correspond to the count of numbers drawn on each horizontal group.
The obtained pattern (ex. 10201) is sorted in ascending order (00112), the leading zeros are removed resulting in (ex. 112).

  • In EuroMillions and EuroDreams, Ball Numbers are grouped every 10 Ball Numbers.
  • In EuroMillions, Lucky Stars are grouped every 3 Lucky Stars.
  • In EuroDreams, Dream Numbers are grouped every 1 Dream Number.

Vertical Patterns (V)

Vertical Patterns (V) correspond to the interval (gap) count, same column, same vertical direction of previous draws occurrences.
The interval (gap) can take values ​​between '1' (previous draw), '4' (4 draws ago) and also '*' which represents more than 4 draws.
The obtained pattern (ex. 1*2*11) is sorted in ascending order (**1112) and the '*' are kept to reinforce their distance.

Random Number Generator

This website offers, free of charge, one of the best Random Generators with various features available, from the simplest to the most advanced and all of them fully customized by you in order to provide you with the best chances of getting the next winning numbers.

To generate random numbers visit page EuroDreams Random Generator or page EuroMillions Random Generator.

Generator | Single or Multiple

When generating sets of completely random numbers and with regard to sets with Single/Multiple numbers and whether or not "Advanced Options" are used, 3 possible cases are identified according to the table below:

Advanced Options Single Multiple
Disabled Case (a) Case (a)
Filters Enabled Case (a) Case (b)
Experts Enabled Case (a) Case (c)
  • Case (a): Generating completely random sets does not represent any difficulty.
  • Case (b): Same as (a), since the additional validation of the selected filters does not depend on the number (Multiple) of numbers generated.
  • Case (c): Sets with more numbers (Multiple) must be validated against known patterns from previous results, patterns that are now incompatible with the number (Multiple) of numbers generated.
    In order to make it compatible it is necessary to decompose each Multiple set into all possible X combinations of Single sets and only then for each of the X Single combinations carry out the validation of known patterns.
    Decomposing each Multiple set into Single sets, depending on the number X of possible Single combinations, may require extra time.
    Check the tables below to get an idea of the number of X Simple combinations needed for each Multiple set:
    EuroDreams Single Combinations
    Dream \ Numbers67891011

    EuroMillions Single Combinations
    Stars \ Numbers567891011

    To avoid excessive processing usage and too many attempts to achieve an unattainable level of testing, some limits are applied to balance processing usage versus desired results, as follows:
    • EuroDreams
      • Combinations up to 20: Multiple Set accepted if 100% of Single combinations pass the testing level
      • Combinations up to 80: Multiple Set accepted if 55% of Single combinations pass the testing level
      • Combinations up to 200: Multiple Set accepted if 40% of Single combinations pass the testing level
      • Combinations more than 200: Multiple Set accepted if 25% of Single combinations pass the testing level
    • EuroMillions
      • Combinations up to 20: Multiple Set accepted if 100% of Single combinations pass the testing level
      • Combinations up to 80: Multiple Set accepted if 57% of Single combinations pass the testing level
      • Combinations up to 200: Multiple Set accepted if 50% of Single combinations pass the testing level
      • Combinations up to 1000: Multiple Set accepted if 30% of Single combinations pass the testing level
      • Combinations more than 1000: Multiple Set accepted if 20% of Single combinations pass the testing level

Generator | Experts

This is the cutting-edge tool for generating random numbers for both EuroDreams and EuroMillions lotteries based on well-known behaviors from previous draws.

All the statistical data available on this website, updated with the latest EuroDreams and EuroMillions draws, are used to validate each set of randomly generated numbers.

For you, as a user, it will not be necessary to generate a set of numbers and then manually check whether the numbers comply with the statistical patterns described on various pages of the website.

This tool will do all the checking for you, just relax, set the level of checking you want to do and press the [Generate Sets] button.

You have 5 checking levels available according to the table below:

Mask Percentage % Disabled60%70%80%90%
1112 40.0040.00
122 23.0063.00
113 15.0078.00
23 9.00 87.00
111115.00 93.00
Others 7.00 100.00
Not yet known --- ---
  • The above table is a generic example to demonstrate how the conditions are applied, regardless of mask type, for both EuroDreams and EuroMillions lotteries.
  • Masks are accepted or rejected, up to guarantee the desired %(60, 70, 80, 90) level.

As mentioned, all statistical data from this website are used in validations, namely:

Statistics EuroDreams EuroMillions
Masks H Masks V Masks H Masks V
1 Sum
2 Amplitude
3 Evens and Odds
1 Frequency
2 Common
3 Overdue
4 Hot
5 Columns
6 Rows
7 Forward Diagonals
8 Backward Diagonals
9 Spirals
10 Quadrants
11 Distances [Amplitude]
      Min 10 Min 8 Min 10 Min 8
  • The first 3 conditions (Sum, Amplitude, Evens and Odds) because they deal with a finite count of masks are mandatory and must be valid in all cases.
  • The other 11 conditions (Frequency, ..., Quadrants, Distances) are all validated and among them there must be a minimum of valid ones to be all accepted or all rejected.

Generator | Filters

  • Prevent consecutive numbers on each set

    Sets that have consecutive numbers are rejected.

    • EuroDreams
    • 01 06 14 15 33 36 + 04
    • 05 09 12 26 37 38 + 0137 38
    • EuroMillions
    • 03 18 23 27 35 + 03 10
    • 05 15 22 23 26 + 05 0722 23
  • Prevent too many lower numbers on each set

    Sets that have too many low numbers (bottom half) are rejected.

    • EuroDreams
    • Maximum 4 numbers less than or equal to 20
    • 04 15 23 29 30 34 + 03
    • 03 07 10 12 17 31 + 0203 07 10 12 17
    • EuroMillions
    • Maximum 3 numbers less than or equal to 25
    • 04 16 24 29 49 + 05 11
    • 02 06 14 23 45 + 07 0802 06 14 23
  • Prevent too many higher numbers on each set

    Sets that have too many high numbers (top half) are rejected.

    • EuroDreams
    • Maximum 4 numbers greater than 20
    • 04 06 27 30 32 37 + 05
    • 10 21 24 30 32 34 + 0221 24 30 32 34
    • EuroMillions
    • Maximum 3 numbers greater than 25
    • 02 18 22 30 46 + 07 10
    • 04 29 37 44 47 + 02 0929 37 44 47
  • Prevent too many even or odd numbers on each set

    Sets that have too many odd or even numbers are rejected.

    • EuroDreams
    • Maximum 4 odd or even numbers
    • 06 17 25 28 29 38 + 01
    • 12 14 19 24 32 40 + 0412 14 24 32 40
    • EuroMillions
    • Maximum 3 odd or even numbers
    • 05 17 24 34 40 + 01 04
    • 03 05 12 33 47 + 06 1203 05 33 47
  • Prevent too many repeated numbers among all sets

    When only 1 (one) set of numbers is generated, it does not produce any effect.
    For 2 (two) or more sets, those that have a significant amount (*) of numbers repeated to the sets already generated are rejected in order to obtain sets that are as distinct as possible. The significant amount (*) can vary between 0, 1 and 2 depending on the number of sets to generate and available numbers (Enable/Disable in Advanced Options).

    • EuroDreams
    • #1: 01 03 18 31 32 36 + 05
    • #2: 03 18 27 32 34 40 + 04(#1) 03 18 32
    • #2: 04 06 13 15 25 26 + 01(#1)
    • #3: ...
    • EuroMillions
    • #1: 05 26 32 44 45 + 11 12
    • #2: 02 05 32 45 50 + 01 08(#1) 05 32 45
    • #2: 08 12 25 41 48 + 02 03(#1)
    • #3: ...

Reduced Systems

This website offers, free of charge, one of the best Reduced Systems Generators with various features available and fully customized by you in order to provide you with the best chances of getting the next winning numbers.

To generate Reduced Systems visit page Reduced Systems for the EuroDreams lottery or page Reduced Systems for the EuroMillions lottery.

The "Advanced Options", if active, follow the same criteria and rules described above in the topics "Random Number Generator, Generator | Experts, Generator | Filters" EXCEPT that, as the subsets of Reduced Systems are fixed and dependent on the chosen numbers, some subsets may not meet all selected conditions, even after all the efforts and attempts to shuffle their positions in order to get all subsets validated.

The Reduced System guarantees are not affected by whether or not "Advanced Options" validates each subset, which is why the options are prefixed with "Try?" which means that it will make a few attempts before presenting the results and then it will be up to you to play anyway, change some conditions or try again.

See also: